حجت الاسلام احمدحسین فلاحی، با بیان اینکه پروژه کنارگذر غربی همدان سالها پیش آغاز شده و تقریبا از ۲۸ کیلومتر، بهسازی ۱۸ کیلومتر آن انجام شده است اظهار کرد: This project has been stopped for several years, despite the fact that heavy vehicles from the western provinces of the country pass through Kurdistan, Kermanshah and Ilam through Hamedan, and on the other hand, this is a transit and international road to Karbala..
He said that the cars of the western provinces enter the city of Hamedan and this is not rational from the expert point of view.: At present, a large number of vehicles are passing through the city of Hamedan, which not only causes traffic but also destroys social security, leads to noise pollution and the environment, and destroys infrastructure..
Representative of the people of Hamedan and Famenin in Parliament He pointed out that according to experts, half an hour to two hours of traffic on this route will affect the city: To solve this problem, they designed several bridges such as Maidan Bar intersection, red light and entrance of Farhangian town, which have been spent from the city budget.
He pointed out that according to reports, the cost of the red light bridge is almost 80 billion tomans, but 60 billion tomans are still needed to be completed.: اینها سرمایههای مردم است که هزینه شده از طرفی با این پلها چهره شهر به هم میریزد، خصوصا اینکه نیروی انتظامی و سپاه مجبورند هزینه اضافی پرداخت تا امنیت را تامین کنند.
Fallahi stated that it is not reasonable to stop the western bypass project with these conditions in Hamedan.: If this project had been done with a credit of 60 billion Tomans a few years ago, the work would have been completed..
He continued: Today, if we want to join 8 km to 18 km, according to the project engineer, about 43 billion Tomans of infrastructure and asphalt costs and 150 billion Tomans of intersection costs are needed..
نماینده مردم همدان و فامنین در مجلس شورای اسلامی با بیان اینکه متاسفانه سرمایههای کشور با این تاخیر هدر میرود افزود: Unfortunately, the Western Pass project did not proceed with weak arguments, saying that if cars pass through this passage, we will lose four more breweries.!
He stated: Arguing that employment will disappear and Hamedan will become a dead end, the western bypass project in Hamedan is dormant and today we see high traffic at the entrance of Farhangian town, Ashura square and Najafi boulevard, where almost a lot of people's capital has been wasted..
Fallahi emphasized that by doing so, we have also violated the rights of the western provinces and they have to go through the city of Hamedan to buy something or not, and many problems will be created.: Follow-ups were done on this project and the infrastructure team and the project engineer were ready to discuss a plan and a meeting was held on the budget program organization and they were also welcomed due to the existing problems. are you well they had.
He pointed out that the follow-up of the infrastructure of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, a permit was issued and experts came to the project quickly and the problem was to be solved, he added.: حداقل فعلا با مشکل مالی که وجود دارد مسیر رفت به ماشینهای غربی را از کنارگذر حل شود تا مسیر برگشتی که هزینه بیشتری میخواهد تا این جاده تبدیل به آزادراهی که ادامه آزادراه ساوه_همدان است، شود و از شهر خارج و در واقع سیر ترافیکی در مسیر خود آن قرار گیرد.
نماینده مردم همدان و فامنین در مجلس شورای اسلامی با اشاره به اینکه سال ۹۹ اعتبار این پروژه به دلیل عدم پیگیری لازم صفر شده است در صورتی که سال ۹۸ اعتبار داشته خاطرنشان کرد: Following the follow-up, it was decided to allocate the credit of the year 99 and to provide an amount to the infrastructure to start and complete the work..
وی با بیان اینکه امیدوارم برخی مدیران حقوق مردم را اینطور تضییع نکنند که باید هم در پیشگاه ملت و هم پیشگاه خداوند پاسخگو باشند افزود: این حقالناس است و سرمایههای مردم است که با استدلالهای ضعیف و کودکانه زیر سوال رفته و مدیریتی که متاسفانه حافظ بیت المال و سرمایههای مردم در استان نیست.
فلاحی با بیان اینکه شاهد این هستیم که پروژه کنارگذر غربی بیدلیل متوقف است که مدیریت کلان دولت در استان باید پاسخگو باشد و آنها را مدیریت، رصد و پیگیری کند، خواستار توجه به این موضوع شد.
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