Hadith of the day
Imam Ali (ع) Says : Everyone corrects his slander and criticism, and everyone brags, so he has ruined his research..

Wednesday, 5 May , ۱۴۰۳ 16 Shawwal 1445 Wednesday, 24 April , 2024 the watch ×
The general plan for the leap in the production of knowledge-based products was approved
06 April 2021 - 19:24
ID : 2443
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in the public hall of the Majlis; The deputies agreed with the general plan of the leap in the production of knowledge-based people.
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According to the reporterNation House News Agency, representatives in today's public meeting (Tuesday, April 17) The Islamic Council approved the plan for the jump of knowledge-based production with 207 votes in favor and 9 votes against 4 The abstention vote was agreed by the total of 235 representatives present in the meeting.

احمدحسین فلاحی In explaining the details of the report of the Education and Research Commission regarding the aforementioned plan, he said: This year was called the year of production leap, support and removal of obstacles, in this regard, the Education and Research Commission as the main commission examined this project, which was voted for priority in the recent session of the Senate, while it was also discussed in the Industries and Mines Commission before. had been investigated.

The representative of the people of Hamedan and Famenin in the Islamic Consultative Assembly continued: In this law, it has been tried to consider all the solutions to support and prevent the jump of knowledge-based production, while this report has been prepared on the 16-point plan of the jump of knowledge-based production based on Article 143 of the internal regulations of the parliament..

The spokesperson of the Education and Research Commission of the Parliament reminded: All the efforts of the Education and Research Commission have been to provide the fields for the growth of knowledge-based companies in parks and growth centers and to remove the obstacles in the path of their activity in order to provide the necessary platform for the activities of young people..

In the continuation of the overview of this plan Esfandiar Esfandiar, Kesnoye, Yazd As a representative, he said in favor of this plan: The importance of the knowledge-based production jump plan is that young people active in knowledge-based companies helped the country in difficult conditions, including the spread of the corona virus, but they also produced a large number of artificial respiration devices..

The representative of Zoroastrians in the parliament continued: When we talk about companies that are active in the field of technology and technology, it is necessary to update the laws in this field, so this project was proposed to support knowledge-based companies and 120 proposals were presented by the representatives for it, which shows the amount They are satisfied with the aforementioned plan and its importance.

This representative of the people in the 11th parliament said at the end to the knowledge-based and elite companies that the parliamentarians understand the efforts you have made to solve the dependence of the country and will support you..

In this meeting, Ali Eslami Panah, Deputy Legal and Affairs of the Parliament of the Ministry of Science, as the representative of the government, stated the reasons for opposing the said plan: The approval of this plan takes away part of the duties of the Ministry of Science and assigns it to the scientific vice president, also following that, part of the duties of the Ministry of Science to supervise knowledge-based companies is given to the vice president, who is a temporary deputy and can be dissolved. On the other hand, this plan takes coherence from the Ministry of Science and creates a financial burden for the government.

In addition, the Speaker of the Islamic Council reminded: The Education and Research Commission as the main commission has reviewed the knowledge-based production jump plan and the Industries and Mines Commission has also cooperated as a sub-commission to review this plan.

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